maayanai mannu

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #05)


Ragam: Sri Ragam  {22nd Melakartha (Kharaharapriya) Janyam}

               ARO:     S R₂ M₁ P N₂ Ṡ                   ||

AVA:     Ṡ N₂ P M₁ R₂ G₂ R₂ S         ||  (or) Ṡ N₂ P D₂ N₂ P M₁ R₂ G₂ R₂ S   ||


Talam: Adi

Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class:


Paasuram (Stanza)

maayanai mannu vada madhurai maindhanaith *

thooya peru neer yamunaith thuRaivanai *

aayar kulaththinil thOnRum aNi viLakkaith *

thaayaik kudal viLakkam seydha dhaamOdharanaith *

thooyOmaay vandhu naam thoomalar thoovith thozhudhu *

vaayinaal paadi manaththinaal sindhikkap *

pOya pizhaiyum pugudharuvaan ninRanavum *

theeyinil thoosaagum ceppElOr embaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy:

{Additional sites: and }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


(Courtesy:Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan): (All of our sins vanish like a blade of grass thrown into fire , when we sing in praise of KrishNan and worship Him ). Him--the mysterious Lord ; the young courageous Lord born at north MathurA , the One who sports in the pure waters of the great river , YamunA ; the emerald-like shining Lamp that has risen from the race of cowherds; and the Lord DaamOdharA (the One

bound by the rope around the waist) who has brought high esteem to His mother YasOdhA (literally, who illumined the mother's womb)--Him let us approach with sincerity (purity--physical and mental); let us worship Him with fresh and fragrant flowers; let us pay our obesiance to Him; let us sing in praise of Him , by words of mouth; let us think of Him in our mind; if we do so  approaching   worshipping , obeying, singing and thinking of Him alone), our sins of past , present and future will vanish like straw put into fire. Therefore let us sing His glory. )


Sahityam: maayanai mannu vada madhurai maindhanaith *

maayanai      mannu            vata     mathurai     main^thanaith *

Meaning: magical deeds (the doer of) ,  Northern MathurA (the) son (of)

[The magician Lord the boy from Northern Mathura]


maayanai                   One of wondrous deeds; magician

mannu                        associated with

vada madhurai           northern Mathura

maindhanai                prince (lit. son)


Sahityam: thooya peru neer yamunaith thuRaivanai *

thUya peru nIr   yamunaith       thuRaivanai *

Meaning: pure great river yamunA  , (the) hermit (of)

[from the banks of the pure waters of the river  Yamuna]


thooya                        pure

peru                            great, deep

neer                            water(s)

yamunai                     the river Yamuna

thuraivanai                one who has his abode on the banks


Sahityam: aayar kulaththinil thOnRum aNi viLakkaith *

aayar   kulaththinil           thOnRum             aNi    viLakkaith *

Meaning: cowherd community  ,  (He who) appeared in (as a)  sacred light

[The bright lamp who was born into the clan of cowherds]


aayar kulaththinil

                                    in the cowherd community

thOnRum                   appeared

aNi                             auspicious, sacred

viLakkai                     light


Sahityam: thaayaik kudal viLakkam seydha dhaamOdharanaith *

thaayaik                  kutal viLakkam ceytha                              thaamOtharanaith *

Meaning: (He who) (to his) mother  [womb brighten did] brought maternal honor, (that) Lord Damodara

[The child who made his mother proud and was tied up with a rope]


thaayai                       mother

kudal                          womb

viLakkam seydha       polish, brighten

dhaamOdharanai      Damodara, the one who's belly was tied with a string

                  (an epithet of Krishna)


Sahityam: thooyOmaay vandhu naam thoomalar thoovith thozhudhu *

thUyOm aay             van^thu naam thU   malar   thUvith       thozhuthu *

Meaning: clean  becoming (and)  coming  we   clean flowers sprayed (and) worshipped  (by)

[We have come to you pure and with beautiful flowers to worship]


thooyOm                    pure

aay                              becoming

vandhu                       coming

naam                          we

thoo                            pure

malar                          flowers

thoovi                         offering (lit. sprinkling)

thozhudhu                  worshipping



Sahityam: vaayinaal paadi manaththinaal sindhikkap *

vaayinaal paati         manaththinaal cin^thikkap *

Meaning: Orally    singing (and) mentally      thinking .

[to sing your praise with our tongues and to contemplate in our minds]


vaayinaal                    with the mouth (verbally)

paadi                          singing

manaththinaal           with the mind (mentally)

sindhikka                   thinking



Sahityam: pOya pizhaiyum pugudharuvaan ninRanavum *

pOya pizhaiyum   pukutharuvaan ninRanavum *

Meaning: Past sins  (and) yet to come unintentional sins

[All our past sins and mistakes without remiss]


pOya                           past

pizhaiyum                  sins

pugutharuvaan          yet to come

ninRanavum              are


Sahityam: theeyinil thoosaagum ceppElOr embaavaay.

thIyinil      thUc    aakum                   ceppu                                El                                Or empaavaay

Meaning: in flame (as) swadust will become (so)(let us) say  (his names) Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[will be made to disappear like cotton burnt in a flame]


theeyinil                     in fire

thoosu                        cotton

aagum                        will become

ceppu                           (therefore let us) say (his names)



Paasuram (Stanza)

maayanai mannu vada madhurai maindhanaith *

thooya peru neer yamunaith thuRaivanai *

aayar kulaththinil thOnRum aNi viLakkaith *

thaayaik kudal viLakkam seydha dhaamOdharanaith *

thooyOmaay vandhu naam thoomalar thoovith thozhudhu *

vaayinaal paadi manaththinaal sindhikkap *

pOya pizhaiyum pugudharuvaan ninRanavum *

theeyinil thoosaagum ceppElOr embaavaay.


Sahityam: maayanai mannu vada madhurai maindhanaith *

maayanai      mannu            vata     mathurai     main^thanaith *

Meaning: magical deeds (the doer of) ,  Northern MathurA (the) son (of)

[The magician Lord the boy from Northern Mathura]


maayanai                   One of wondrous deeds; magician

mannu                        associated with

vada madhurai           northern Mathura

maindhanai                prince (lit. son)


     1            2                3                     4             5                    6               7                        8    

;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     S,n  N P    ; pn   npM |   ; ; ; - P     N  S     R ;   |  r s N S ;      ;  S       S ;              ||

       Maa  -  ya   nai    man nu-    - va-  da - -    - - -  ma  dhurai  mai      - - -  -  -      - ndha naith *


;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     nsrg  rsnp   ; pn   npM |   ; ; ; - P     N  S     R ;   |  srgr rGr      ;  R       S ;              ||

       Maa  -  ya   nai    man nu-    - va-  da - -    - - -  ma  dhurai  mai      - - -  -  -      - ndha naith *


;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     ns Rgr  Sgr rs  np- pn   npM |   ; ; ; - P     N  S     R ;   |  srgr rGr      ;  R       S ;               ||

       Maa  -  ya   nai    man -     --  - - nu-  va-  da - -    - - -  ma  dhurai  mai      - - -  -  -      - ndha naith *



Sahityam: thooya peru neer yamunaith thuRaivanai *

thUya peru nIr   yamunaith       thuRaivanai *

Meaning: pure great river yamunA, (the) hermit (of)

[from the banks of the pure waters of the river Yamuna]


thooya                        pure

peru                            great, deep

neer                            water(s)

yamunai                     the river Yamuna

thuraivanai                one who has his abode on the banks


     1              2                3               4             5                       6                       7                    8    

;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     S ,s  N P  ; ,n N S  |    ; ; sn r -s     N – n P – mn  |   pmR R G     R-  R   S ;          ||

       Thoo - ya   pe-    ru -    -  -  - -  neer-     - - ya-  mu  -     nai-   thu-     Rai-- -  -       -    va nai *


     1              2                     3                4             5                       6                       7                    8    

;  ;  ; R    ; pm   R – S    srgr ; R G   R ; S ;   |  ; ; n R -s     N – n P – mn  |   pmR R G     R-  R   S ;          ||

       Thoo - ya   -    pe-  ru -    -  -  - -  neer-     - - ya-  mu  -     nai-   thu-     Rai-- -  -       -    va nai *



Sahityam: aayar kulaththinil thOnRum aNi viLakkaith *

aayar   kulaththinil           thOnRum             aNi    viLakkaith *

Meaning: cowherd community  ,  (He who) appeared in (as a)  sacred light

[The bright lamp who was born into the clan of cowherds]


aayar kulaththinil      in the cowherd community

thOnRum                    appeared

aNi                              auspicious, sacred

viLakkai                     light



     1              2                 3                 4             5                6               7                8    

;  ;  ; M    P P N – S     R ;  ;  ;       ; G  gr R | ;  ;  ;  ;       ;  ;  ;  ;   |  ;  ;  ;  ;        ;  ;   ;   ;     ||

        Aa   -  yar-    ku   la  -  - -      - thi nil –


;  ;  ; M    P P N – S     R ;  ;  ;       ; G  gr R | ;  ;  S r m   , r – R G  R |  S  ,g rsnp     N ;   S ;    ||

        Aa   -  yar-    ku   la  -  - -      - thi nil –  - -   thOn-   - -  Rum  a    Ni -  vi- -     La- kkai


       1                 2                        3                 4             5                6                       7                8    

,snnpm- P    ;   P , n – S     R ns rppmR;   ; G  gr R | ;  ;  S r m   , r – R G  R |  S  ,g rsnp     N ;   S ,-r    ||

             Aa   -  yar-    ku    la  -  - -     - -   - thi nil –  - -   thOn-   - -  Rum  a    Ni -  vi- -     La- kkai


s-snnpm- P    ;   P , n – S   R mpns rppmR  ; G  gr R | ;  ;  S r m   , r – R G  R |  S  ,g rsnp     N ;   S ;    ||

              Aa   -   yar-    ku   la  -  - -     - -     - thi nil –  - -   thOn-   - -  Rum  a    Ni -  vi- -     La- kkai


Sahityam: thaayaik kudal viLakkam seydha dhaamOdharanaith *

thaayaik                  kutal viLakkam ceytha                              thaamOtharanaith *

Meaning: (He who) (to his) mother  [womb brighten did] brought maternal honor, (that) Lord Damodara

[The child who made his mother proud and was tied up with a rope]


thaayai                       mother

kudal                          womb

viLakkam seydha       polish, brighten

dhaamOdharanai      Damodara, the one who's belly was tied with a string

                  (an epithet of Krishna)



     1              2                   3                4                   5                   6                     7                        8    

;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     S ,s  N P    P N - S ;  |    ; ; p N  - s     N – P , – mn  |   pmR R G     R-  R   S ;     ||

        Thaa- yaik ku-   dal-  vi  -    La-   kkam   - - sey-   -     -    dha   dhaa     mO-  -  -      dhara  nai


;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     S ,s  N P    P N - S ;  |    ; ; p n s  - n     ; – P  mn  |   pmR R G     R-  R   S ;     ||

        Thaa- yaik ku-   dal-  vi  -    La-   kkam   - - sey-   -     -    dha   dhaa     mO-  -  -      dhara  nai



Sahityam: thooyOmaay vandhu naam thoomalar thoovith thozhudhu *

thUyOm aay             van^thu naam thU   malar   thUvith       thozhuthu *

Meaning: clean  becoming (and)  coming  we   clean flowers sprayed (and) worshipped  (by)

[We have come to you pure and with beautiful flowers to worship]


thooyOm                    pure

aay                              becoming

vandhu                       coming

naam                          we

thoo                            pure

malar                          flowers

thoovi                         offering (lit. sprinkling)

thozhudhu                  worshipping


     1              2                   3                    4                   5                        6                     7                         8    

;  ;  ;- rm     M P - P  ;      ;  P  ;  ;       P,m - P  ;     |    ;  ;   ;  P         ;  N   P  ;    |      pm N  pmR       R   G  gr R           ||

         Thoo  yO  maay-       van        dhu  naam                   thoo        ma  lar-         thoo -   vith- -    thozhu dhu-


;  ;  ;- rm     M P - P  ;      ;  P  ;  ;       P,m - P  ;     |    ;  ;   ;  P         ;  N   P  ;    |    mpnp   pmR       R   G  gr R           ||

         Thoo  yO  maay-       van        dhu  naam                   thoo        ma  lar-         thoo -   vith- -    thozhu dhu-


Sahityam: vaayinaal paadi manaththinaal sindhikkap *

vaayinaal paati         manaththinaal cin^thikkap *

Meaning: Orally    singing (and) mentally      thinking .

[to sing your praise with our tongues and to contemplate in our minds]


vaayinaal                    with the mouth (verbally)

paadi                          singing

manaththinaal           with the mind (mentally)

sindhikka                    thinking


     1                   2                    3                    4                 5                   6                     7                  8    

;  ;  ;- P       ; mn – pm R    R ; srgr ;      R G R S  |   ;  ;  ; - R      M  R   M ;    |     P ;   P ;       pnsn  P ;               ||

       Vaa       yi -    naal - -  paa - - - -      -  -   - di               ma     na thi naal         sin   dhi       - - - - kka


Sahityam: pOya pizhaiyum pugudharuvaan ninRanavum *

pOya pizhaiyum   pukutharuvaan ninRanavum *

Meaning: Past sins  (and) yet to come unintentional sins

[All our past sins and mistakes without remiss]


pOya                            past

pizhaiyum                  sins

pugutharuvaan          yet to come

ninRanavum              are


     1                   2                  3                    4            5               6              7                  8    

;  ;  ;-  M    P P ,n – S      R ;   R  ;       ; G  gr R | ;  ;  ;  ;       ;  ;  ;  ;   |  ;  ;  ;  ;        ;  ;   ;   ;     ||

           pO   - ya -    pi     zhai- yum      pu  gu- -  


;  ;  ; M    P P N – S     R ;    R  ;     ; G   gr R | ;  ;  S r - m   , r – R G   R |  S  ,g rsnp     N ;   S ;    ||

        pO   - ya -    pi     zhai- yum    pu   gu- -        dha- ru   - -   vaan-nin  Ra--  na- -    -  -  vum


       1                 2                        3                 4                5                  6                   7                8    

,snnpm- P    ;   P , n – S     R     ns rppmR;   ; G  gr R | ;  ;  S r m   , r – R G  R |  S  ,g rsnp     N ;   S ,-r    ||

             pO   - ya -      pi    zhai- yum            pu   gu- -        dha- ru   - - vaan-nin Ra-- na- -    -  -  vum


s-snnpm- P    ;   P , n – S   R      ns  rppmR  ; G  gr R | ;  ;  S r m   , r – R G  R |  S  ,g rsnp     N ;   S ;    ||

                pO   - ya -     pi zhai- yum               pu   gu- -      dha- ru   - - vaan-nin Ra-- na- -    -  -  vum



Sahityam: theeyinil thoosaagum ceppElOr embaavaay.

thIyinil      thUc    aakum                   ceppu                                El                                Or empaavaay

Meaning: in flame (as) sawdust will become (so)(let us) say  (his names) Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[will be made to disappear like cotton burnt in a flame]


theeyinil         in fire

thoosu            cotton

aagum             will become

ceppu             (therefore let us) say (his names)


     1              2                   3                    4                   5                6                 7                    8    

;  ;  ; N    G R – S ;     S ,s  N P    P N -  S ;  |    ; ; ; - pn      nSn – P ;  |   MN  pmR       R G   g r R          ||

       Thee – yi   nil     thoo- saa-   -   -    gum-    -  -  cep     pE-     lOr      em-   - - -      baa—vaay    -    


     1                2                3               4                5               6               7                    8    

;  ;  ; ;       ;   ;   ;  rm       pn P ; ,n   pmR RG   |  R  ; ;  ;     R G ; R  |    S  ;   ;  ;       ;  ;   ;   ;     ||

-  - -  -      - -  - -       -  -  -  -        -  -  -  -          -  - -  -      - -  - -       -  -  -  -        -  -  -  -





Additional Meanings:

maayanai      mannu            vata     mathurai     main^thanaith *

magical deeds (the doer of) ,  Northern MathurA (the) son (of)


thUya peru nIr   yamunaith       thuRaivanai *

pure great river yamunA  , (the) hermit (of)


aayar   kulaththinil           thOnRum             aNi    viLakkaith *

cowherd community  ,  (He who) appeared in (as a)  sacred light


thaayaik                  kutal viLakkam ceytha                              thaamOtharanaith *

(He who) (to his) mother  [womb brighten did] brought maternal honor, (that) Lord Damodara


thUyOm aay             van^thu naam thU   malar   thUvith       thozhuthu *

clean  becoming (and)  coming  we   clean flowers sprayed (and) worshipped  (by)


vaayinaal paati         manaththinaal cin^thikkap *

Orally    singing (and) mentally      thinking .


pOya pizhaiyum   pukutharuvaan ninRanavum *

Past sins  (and) yet to come unintentional sins


thIyinil      thUc    aakum                   ceppu

in flame (as) sawdust will become (so)(let us) say  (his names)


El                                Or empaavaay

Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu